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Blooming Prairie Backpack Program

Voucher Program

BP Schools Food Pantries

BP Schools Food Pantries

In the past few years our program has expanded to food pantries at both our schools which allows teachers and/or staff to obtain snacks for their elementary students who might be hungry throughout the day. Our high school food pantry is in the high school office and allows students to get a snack when they are hungry. Our coordinator often realized while substitute teaching that students were hungry either from a missed meal, etc. Our food pantries help alleviate some of the monies that our teachers spend each year on their students and allows for students to have a snack when hungry. 

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High School Food Pantry

Our high school food pantry began during the 21-22 school year as a way to feed our high school student body when they may be hungry throughout the school day. 

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Voucher Project

In the fall of 2020 our program started sending home food vouchers with students. 1 voucher is issued to each parent and/or guardian allowing families to purchase 1 loaf of bread, 1 dozen eggs, & 1 gallon of milk from Vandal's Family Market. Our printing services are donated through KIK Marketing as well as Vandal's covering a percentage of the cost of each redeemed food voucher. The monetary donations our program receives each year helps our backpack program operate the voucher program. Our vouchers are also sent home in the summer to families that opt in to receive them.

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